Thursday, December 9, 2010

The GAME Plan Continues...

My GAME Plan is progressing well, but I need to set some new goals to incorporate the lessons from this weeks resources.

Goal #1 Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

I need to explore the Social network and blog function on Gaggle so that I can begin using it with my students. I watched the training video on blogs and found it informative.
Goal#2 Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

This goal becomes extremely important when paired with online collaboration and social networking. These trypes of technology require a system of rules/guidelines that students must be taught before they begin working.

As we wind down before Winter break, I am running out of time to get all of my students started on Gaggle much less start blogging. Also, "not playing nice with others" has been an issue on the playground for several of my students. My question this week is - How can teach students to be nice and respectful to each other online when they cannot be nice and respectful face to face. Technology creates "a distance" that allows students a way to bully or be mean in new ways. I teach third grade, but I am still worried.


  1. Deborah,

    I teach kindergarten and share the "time for a break" behavioral issues with my students. I try to manage by reminding myself that the holidays bring many changes to routines. I think you would be wise to wait to get students started on wikis until their routines resume more normality and we all have a nice holiday break.

    I also agree that teaching students to be responsible internet users is an expansion of our responsiblities to encourage appropriate behavior.

  2. Deborah,
    It's amazing that we all have been able to accomplish what we have during this busy time of year. Way to go for all you have accomplished and for what you want to do in the future!

  3. Deborah,
    I wish I could answer your question of the week! I teach K-1 physical education so I know exactly what you mean about "playground issues". I think the task of implementing new technological tools (such as blogging) is much more difficult for teachers of students in lower grades than that of middle and high school students. I also think what you are trying to accomplish will be a great learning experience for your students. Good luck with Gaggle and the playground!
