Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The GAME Plan and My Students

During this course, I have worked on a GAME Plan to set goals to increase my knowledge and use of technology through the NET-S Standards.

My first goal is to Model Digital-Age Work and Learning and I will use my GAME Plan as the model with my students. I will take them through the NET-S Standards and the components of my GAME Plan. We will set a classroom goal, then move on to individual goals. As part of the anti-drug curriculum, I teach "Too Good For Drugs". In the first lesson we learn the steps to set a goal. I can incorporate this into my lesson on NET-S Standards. It is important for students to see that I am a person who sets goals. I speak openly about the assignments and homework I have to do for my Walden classes.

My second goal is to Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility. This also goes hand in hand with the NET-S Standards because students cannot access the technology unless they have been taught responsible behavior first.

I plan to have students use the GAME Plan model in Science to research animals for our Zooland unit in the Spring.


1 comment:

  1. Debbie,

    I think that it is so important that the teacher models the behaviors that he/she would like to see in their students. Modeling your GAME plan with your students is a great way to do that. By seeing that you are setting goals for yourself and reflecting upon them, they will see the importance of that as well.

