Thursday, February 24, 2011


This course introduced me to the principles of Universal Design for Learning and using technology for Differentiated Instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. Visit the CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology) to learn more about the latest brain research and resources for teachers and parents. I can immediately adjust the instructional practice in my classroom using this knowledge. First, pre-assessment of readiness levels is always done at the beginning of the year in reading and math. UDL/DI takes this to the next level by using technology to assess learning styles/profiles and discover students’ interests through surveys. I created a two part Zoomerang survey for my classroom. Part 1
Part 2

This data is used to differentiate the content through the principles of UDL. Multiple means of representation provides opportunities for all students to acquire the content depending upon their learning style/profile. Multiple means of action and expression provides diverse learners options for the actions and tasks they are asked to do in the learning environment. Students demonstrate what they have learned by oral speech, written text, and drawing pictures. Multiple means of engagement increases motivation, challenges and increases interest in learning by including different activities to engage students. Some students prefer routine while others are motivated by spontaneity. During the Differentiating Station, our group found resources to allow students to access the content, assessment strategies, practice skills, and techniques for classroom management. I bookmarked many in my delicious account. Here are some of my favorites.
Kathy Shrock's Guide for Educators (assessment rubrics)
Many Things (EL resources)
Houghton Mifflin Reading
Houghton Mifflin Math
Metagifted (enrichment resource list)
Differentiating Instruction
The Apple (using technology to differentiate instruction)

The applications in this course provided me with opportunities to develop projects and lessons that can be used immediately in my classroom and school. I created a Power Point presentation on Universal Design for Learning (see my last post) and a Voice Thread about combining UDL and DI that I can share with my staff, parents, and administrators. The lesson plan and classroom management design gave me an opportunity to prove that I can utilize these principles in my classroom.

Next year I move to fifth grade. I have already begun thinking how I can create a DI classroom and have started to assemble resources for several unit plans.

I could not have completed this course without the support of my team members. The resources they posted will help my lessons immensely.

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