Wednesday, November 10, 2010

(NET.S) and my GAME Plan

This week I reviewed the National Educational Technology Standards for Students web site. The first standard I want to incorporate into my classroom through a GAME Plan is Model Digital-Age Work and Learning. A GAME Plan guides students in self-directed learning(Cennamo,K., Ross,J., & Ertmer,P., 2009, pgs. 3-5.)
(G): I want to be able to increase my knowledge of technology available for elementary school classrooms. I currently know how to use a blog, wiki, pod cast, amd other technologies as a student at Walden, but I want to transfer that knowledge to my students. I will know I am successful when my students can demonstrate their ability to use technology in my classroom.
(A): I need to research to find other third grade classrooms that utilize technology. I need to search for content lessons that already incorporate technology and try them in my classroom. I need to collaborate with other teachers on technology projects.
(M): I need to set a goal to self-monitor my progress at the end of each trimester. I will evaluate my progress and modify my plan if necessary. I will check with my students and peers and get their feedback regarding my progress and lessons.
(E): At the end of the year I will evaluate the entire process to see if I met my goal or it needs to be extended.

The second (NET.S) GAME Plan is for the topic Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility.

(G): I want to model and teach my students to show respect for copyright and other digital property.
(A): I will teach proper copyright and digital property etiquitte in my classroom.
(M): I will monitor the student's progress in learning this skill and make necessary adjustments in my plan.
(E): I will evaluate whether my students are able to cite sources appropriately and extend this into independent projects.

I look forward to your comments about my plan.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach. (Laureate
Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at


  1. Hi Deborah,

    Your choice to promote responsible internet use is a good one. Your plan is very thorough. As I was reading through it, I thought about using APA format to give credit to resources. I think learning to present information in proper APA format is very difficult. If,however, educators like you actually taught it in third grade, it would be second nature to students during higher education.

    Maybe you already do teach APA formatting but it would be great to show in your plan.

  2. Kelly,

    I think it is a great idea to start teaching APA format in third grade. I will add it to my plan.


  3. Deborah,
    I am the computer lab instructor at our school. I would LOVE to have your 3rd graders work with my 3rd graders on a project. Maybe we could plan something for the 2nd semester....let me know. Where do you live?

  4. Denise,

    I live in Moreno Valley, California. I would love to have my third graders work with yours.

