Friday, January 8, 2010

President Johnson's Museum and Library

During Winter Break, I visited the Presidential Library for Lyndon B. Johnson in Austin, Texas. It is located on the University of Texas campus. President Johnson grew up in the Austin area and attended the teaching college at Texas State University at San Marcos. The first part of the library integrates President Johnson's life with important events in both the United States and the World. Visitors can visit a replica of the Oval Office and a tribute to Lady Bird Johnson on the tenth floor. The fourth floor contains items given to the President by foreign dignitaries visiting the United States. There is always a special exhibit that changes during the year. The first time I visited the Museum, the special exhibit was about the Space Race and contained items on loan from the Smithsonian Museums. This time the exhibit was about the Education of the Presidents. I found the wall dedicated to "The Great Society" to be the most interesting part of the library. This wall showcases the 200 pieces of legislation that were signed into law during his Presidency. I did not realize how much my life and the lives of my students have benefited by LBJ. Head Start, School Lunch Programs, and Civil Rights to name a few. I encourage everyone who visits Austin to visit this library as well.

1 comment:

  1. The LBJ Library is impressive. Of course, so is UT/Austin. Hook em!
